Hindenburg systems


Version 1.60 Build 2516

Enabled open XLXS
Enabled open RTF
Added "Default" playback device selection
Fixed crash when pasting in empty clipboard

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Version 1.60 Build 2512

ASIO Support

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Version 1.60 Build 2510


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Version 1.60 Build 2508

Fixed crash with Noise Reduction

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Version 1.60 Build 2506

"Favorite" files on Windows
Nordic ePub attributes for Daisy 2.02
CSS for Fixed layout ePub files

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Version 1.60 Build 2504

Narration View
Renaming favorites
Entering Greek, Cyrillic etc. on macOS.
German translation update

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Version 1.60 Build 2502

Support for Apple Silicon
Fixes and improvements

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Version 1.50 Build 2454

Issues when using command line
Issues when narrating cartoons

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Version 1.50 Build 2452

Extended support for "Nordic" ePub files
Fixed hanging text cursors on macOS
Fixed "Preview" function on macOS

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Version 1.50 Build 2448

Windows only update

Disabled recovery when used from command line
Fixed missing '*' in CCS generation
Fixed sentence navigation in

  • items

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  • Version 1.50 Build 2436

    Fixed page numbers in DOCX files
    Enabled open from RTF on Windows
    Added support for XLSX files for VO usage
    Added extensions to "Supported Files" in "Open"
    Fixed default layout to include "Table of Contents"

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    Version 1.50 Build 2432

    Fixed issue with missing SMIL entries in Daisy export

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    Version 1.50 Build 2430

    Added handling of page numbers and tables in DOCX import
    Fixed mangling of quotes in metadata for NLS books
    Fixed rename of markers
    Fixed horizontal scroll with Logitech MX mouse

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    Version 1.50 Build 2424

    Added Top and Tail commands
    Fixed issue with special characters in password
    Fixed vertical scrolling on certain platforms
    Updated translations

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    Version 1.50 Build 2416

    Possible overwriting of images when saving document
    Missing SMIL entries when using tags in document

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    Version 1.45 Build 2398

    Possible overwriting of images when saving document
    Missing SMIL entries when using tags in document

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    Version 1.45 Build 2396

    Bug when using "Record Selection"
    Bug regarding insert of region
    Possible bug in undo of Pause correction

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    Version 1.45 Build 2392

    Improved Pause correction for ACX/Findaway
    Bugs with CSS styles, fonts and images in ePub files
    Loading of custom fonts on macOS

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