Hindenburg systems

YOu are a pro Subscriber

Hindenburg PRO becomes Hindenburg PRO 2

While we’re excited to launch a brand new and improved version, we understand that you are probably wondering what this means for you, a current Hindenburg PRO subscriber, in practical terms.

On this page, we try to address the most obvious questions that you as a subscriber might have, but please do feel free to contact us if you are in doubt about your particular options.

what do I get after launch of version 2?

  • The launch of Hindenburg PRO version 2 ushers in 3 new subscription tiers called "Standard", "Plus" and "Premium". In the shop you can see which features and services are available in each tier.
  • As a current PRO subscriber, you automatically get moved to the “Standard” tier, at the same annual fee (exchange rates permitting) as your current subscription. 
  • For the first month, we will include 30 free hours of transcription, so you can experience the power of the search and manuscript functionality for yourself, before considering an upgrade.


how do I get version 2?

  • When you log in to your account on Hindenburg.com, you will see a new product called Hindenburg PRO  “Standard” is available. Simply click on the download button to install Hindenburg PRO version 2 and activate in on your machine by signing into the new app.
  • You will also have the option to upgrade to a higher tier directly within your account, giving you access to the efficiency improvements that the new transcription and manuscript editing features offer. We are confident that once you experience how easily you can navigate your audio through searching the manuscript, and how fast logging, sorting and rough-cutting your recordings become, you will not look back.

I want to upgrade to a new tier but I'm halfway through my subscription period.

  • When you choose to upgrade to a higher tier, we will calculate and pro-rate the value of the remaining time on your current subscription, and charge you the difference for that same period at the higher tier, until the end of the current subscription period.

I want to downgrade to a lower tier but I'm halfway through my subscription period.

  • Unfortunately, we can only downgrade tiers at the end of your active subscription period, we cannot offer refunds. If you downgrade or cancel your subscription before the end of your current subscription period, that change will go into effect on the renewal date.

Hindenburg has always been a top quality editor for spoken word content - fast, precise, and easy to use. The new Hindenburg PRO 2 is the ideal coming-together of the original Hindenburg plus the power of editing-by-transcript. It could be the best thing to happen to podcasting for some time

James Cridland, Editor and Founder, Podnews .Net

Hindenburg Lite

Perpetual licence
How will the upgrade affect you? 


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Hindenburg PRO

Perpetual licence 
How will the upgrade affect you?


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Hindenburg PRO

How will the upgrade affect you?


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