Hindenburg systems


Narrator Narrator Studio
Open eBook Makes recording, editing and exporting much faster Yes Yes
Create Structure Reading from the physical book? Then create your own structure Yes Yes
Record Book It never been easier to record an audio book Yes Yes
Auto Level Have the levels set for a nicely balanced mix Yes Yes
Editing Cut, Copy & Paste and all other audio editing features Yes Yes
Clipboard - All Probably the most timesaving feature you will ever use Yes Yes
Leaf Mode Display Mode; All, H1 and subheadings or current Heading Yes Yes
Stunning sound Eq, Compression, Noise Reduction & Voiceprofile … make for great sound Yes Yes
Time Tracker Keep time off the daily recording time Yes Yes
Acx and Findaway Levels, pauses and room tone are set according the requirements Yes Yes
Nav Points Set Navigation Points in the audio to sync audio and text Yes Yes
Phrase Detection Add phrase detection NavPoints to a book with only headings Yes
Automatic Markup Add Chapter NavPoints to a book with no structure Yes
ePub3 export Export the ePUB with added audio as ePUB 3 Yes
DAISY books Create DAISY 2.02 books in Narrator Studio Yes
NLS Books For Narrators producing for National Library Service Yes