Hindenburg systems

A New Dawn in Sound

The Story of EBU's PLOUD Group

In a world filled with varying volumes, the audio landscape in broadcast was chaotic. Commercials were louder than the programs, and different channels had inconsistent loudness levels. A harmonious solution was needed.


The EBU's Call to Action: The Universal Standard Dream
Recognizing the confusion, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) formed the PLOUD group to create a universal standard for loudness. Their goal? A unified loudness level of -23 LUFS for all devices, in all studios, worldwide. The dream was ambitious and logical but also somewhat paradoxical.

EBU R128: An Idealistic Standard Meets Real-World Challenges
The PLOUD's work led to the EBU R128 recommendation, with -23 LUFS as the standard for radio and television. But the real world had other plans. When introduced in the U.S., the Audio Engineering Society (AES) and the Public Radio Satellite System (PRSS) chose -24 LUFS for consistency.

The iPod Paradigm Shift: When One Device Changes the Game
Enter the iPod, with its volume limitations that made -23 LUFS inadequate for listeners wearing headphones. Podcasters, needing to be heard, shifted to -16 LUFS. Suddenly, the universal standard was fragmented by technological quirks and practical needs.

The Spectrum of Sound: A Rich Tapestry of Variations
Different platforms embraced unique loudness levels. BBC went with -18 LUFS for some productions, and home assistant speakers chose -14 LUFS. Instead of a single standard, a diverse and intricate garden of sound levels emerged.

From Broadcast to Podcasts: The Legacy of EBU's Vision
Despite the twists and turns, the EBU R128 and its variations have become a guiding force in the audio world. Broadcasters, podcasters, and creators have found value in a system that brings balance and engagement to the listening experience.

Hindenburg PRO: Embracing the Spectrum
Today, Hindenburg PRO continues the EBU's pioneering legacy. It recognizes the diverse needs of the modern audio landscape and provides tools to create content with the right loudness for each platform.

The universal standard might have remained an ideal, but the impact of EBU's vision has resonated across the industry. The dawn of these standards has made the world of sound more harmonious, even in its delightful complexity. It's a testament to the power of innovation and adaptation, in a world where one size doesn't always fit all.