the podcaster
Karl Morand, Producer Middel East Week
The host of Middle East Week, Karl Morand, currently lives in Amman, Jordan. As a former solider in the US Army he spent 27 months in Iraq. After leaving the military he used the GI Bill to finish his BA at Fordham University in international studies. Karl Morand now uses his podcast (Middle East Week) to go behind topics in the region.
The Correspondent
Kelly McEvers, Correspondent NPR
Kelly MeEvers spent three years as NPR's international correspondent, based in Beirut & Baghdad. In 2011 she travelled undercover to report on the "Arab Spring" uprisings.
How do you find using Hindenburg PRO?
"There were many times when I would enter a country undercover, without any recording equipment whatsoever, except my iPhone. For an entire year, I was sneaking into countries where I wasn't welcome.
The only way for me to do my job was to do it on an iPhone and the only software that I was willing to use was Hindenburg Field Recorder."
Final verdict?
"The entire first year of the arab uprisings in 2011, I think that if I hadn't used Hindenburg, my coverage wouldn't have been the same."
The IT guy
Chris Maurer, Computer Systems Admin
At Penn State University's College of Communications Chris Maurer is responsible for installing, managing and teaching Hindenburg. They use it for media production, primarily for audio and video.
How do you find using Hindenburg PRO in a learning environment?
"The students are learning the application fast and require less technical support. It’s easily managed and configured.
We really like the simplicity, stability and speed of the application. And specifically the deliberate focus on story-telling."
Final verdict:
"It’s not only a great choice for students, but it makes my life easy."
The Teacher
Steve Reighard, Broadcast Technical Instructor
How do you find using Hindenburg in a learning environment?
"We have been able to cut down the time spent simply teaching the students to use the application and we seem to run into a lot less problems. It's just a lot easier for them to finish their tasks in the given time frame.
The support from Hindenburg is very good. If the students have any questions and I'm not around, Hindenburg answers them. If there is a problem, they listen and find a solution."
Final verdict:
"Teachers really like it because it's easy to teach and students are quick to grasp the software and get up and running.We would definitely recommend it to other institutions. We have just added it to two more of our multimedia labs.”
The Narrator
Eric Kruse, Voice over artist & Freelance
Erich Kruse is an audio book narrator and voice-over artist. He has done work for smaller publishing houses as well as the NLB (The Norwegian Library of Talking Books and Braille).
How is Narrator useful when recording audio books?
"When you read audio books you have to have different voices. You have different characters - and 20 pages later you have to be recalled how they sound. With some simple clicks you can hear the sample and just copy that specific voice."
Final verdict?
"By using all the features in Narrator, I have a better control of where I am in the book. It's a very effective tool."
The Broadcaster
Anders Magnussen, Technical Manager
Anders Magnusson is the Technical Manager at Radio 24syv, a public service radio station.
They started broadcasting in November 2011 and have been using Hindenburg Broadcaster from the beginning.
What challenges are newsrooms facing today?
"Journalists, and people editing interviews and montages, need to be able to do more and more on their own."
Final Verdict?
"The simplicity and the response from the interface, like when you do a cross-fade you can actually see the waveforms fading. Details like that makes Hindenburg really easy for journalists to work with."